Your hair needs a good night’s sleep just as much as your skin. And while we spend a lot of time and effort taking good care of our skin before bed, our hair deserves the same attention. You may not have noticed, but sleeping with your hair down can cause more damage than a messy look at the head of your bed in the morning.

We decided to take a closer look at how sleeping with your hair down can affect your locks.

You might wake up with tangled hair

Why you shouldn't let your long hair down while you sleep

When you roll over in your sleep, your hair is likely to stay with us. This happens due to the friction that occurs when your hair rubs against the pillowcase.

Not only will this cause you to wake up with messy hair, but this repeated damage can weaken your locks.

could give you acne

Why you shouldn't let your long hair down while you sleep

If you have sensitive, acne-prone skin, it’s a good idea to keep your hair from touching your face. Styling products and conditioners that build up in your hair can come into contact with your skin overnight and clog your pores.

This, in turn, can lead to rashes and irritate the skin. In fact, people with long hair can even get acne again, and keeping your hair away from your face while you sleep can help prevent some skin problems.

It can sabotage your hair growth

Why you shouldn't let your long hair down while you sleep

When your hair gets tangled, it means your cuticle is lifted and stays open. Damaged hair grows slowly, and if you dream of long hair and just can’t grow your locks past a certain point, make sure to protect them while you sleep.

Your hair can become very curly

Why you shouldn't let your long hair down while you sleep

You may be thinking you’ve tried every possible styling product to tame curly hair, but something as simple as letting your hair down while you sleep can cause your hair to lose moisture content.

Your pillow may be responsible for your frizzy hair because the more friction it creates against your hair, the more moisture it evaporates.

Can cause split ends

Why you shouldn't let your long hair down while you sleep

Split ends are not only annoying if you have too many in your hair, but they can also make your hairstyle look unhealthy and unkempt.

If you don’t tie your hair up before bed, all the tossing and turning of the night may be damaging your hair, leading to breakage and split ends. And unless you sleep on a silk pillowcase, split ends won’t be easy to part with.

Could affect the quality of your sleep

Why you shouldn't let your long hair down while you sleep

Sleeping with your hair down can not only drive you crazy in the morning, but also keep you awake at night. When you sleep, your hair can brush your face and disturb your sleep.

The best way to take care of your hair before the night is over is to gently brush it and pull it back into a loose bun. braid.

Do you let your hair down when you sleep? What do you do to protect your hair when you sleep?